We are the strong part­ner at your side


About us

As the heart of HACK AG, Gebrü­der HACK Fein­back­wa­ren GmbH com­bi­nes pro­found expe­ri­ence from over nine­ty-three years of bak­ing with the most modern tech­ni­cal pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses.

In our bake­ries, our popu­lar fro­zen baked goods are pro­du­ced with the utmost care using tra­di­tio­nal craft­sman­ship and a gre­at deal of love for the pro­duct. In our ide­as work­shop, the deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment, our employees work tire­less­ly on new pro­ducts and opti­miza­ti­ons in order to always be one step ahead of the rapidly chan­ging requi­re­ments of the con­ve­ni­ence mar­ket.

The secret to suc­cess of Gebrü­der HACK manu­fac­to­ry lies in the mas­terful com­bi­na­ti­on of first-class ingre­di­ents and a deep under­stan­ding of the craft of bak­ing. Every pro­duct, be it bread, rolls or fine pastries, is careful­ly made accor­ding to tra­di­tio­nal recipes. The atten­ti­on to detail and the use of high-qua­li­ty raw mate­ri­als are the cor­ner­sto­nes that crea­te the distinc­ti­ve tas­te up the unmist­aka­ble tas­te and qua­li­ty of the pro­ducts.

Espe­ci­al­ly with our pro­ducts from the wood-fired oven, the dough gets the rest it needs. The gent­le pro­ces­sing of the ingre­di­ents has a noti­ceable effect on the uni­que and ini­mi­ta­ble tas­te of our wood-fired oven pro­ducts.

We are proud to con­tri­bu­te to the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the baked goods indus­try through our inno­va­ti­ve strength and our com­mit­ment to pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment.





The heart of a baker

beats in the bak­ery. And so do the hearts of the HACK brot­hers’ bak­ers. They bake with love, tra­di­ti­on and pas­si­on accor­ding to anci­ent craft­sman­ship. They use only high-qua­li­ty ingre­di­ents and give every dough the rest it needs to be diges­ti­ble and deve­lop its full fla­vor. The appro­xi­m­ate­ly 100 employees of the HACK AG sub­si­dia­ry put all their love, expe­ri­ence and care into the fro­zen bak­ery and con­fec­tion­ery pro­ducts day after day.


Karl-Hack-Allee 1
56581 Kurtscheid
Tel. +49 2634 9669–0
Fax +49 2634 9669–27
[email protected]

Copy­right © 2023 Gebrü­der HACK Fein­back­wa­ren GmbH | Imprint | Data pro­tec­tion