This is how we get into contact

Do you have a spe­ci­fic inquiry about a spe­ci­fic pro­duct? Or do you need a pro­duct that you can­not defi­ne exact­ly? May­be you just have a pro­duct idea that needs to be work­ed out and deve­lo­ped?

No mat­ter how far your product/idea has pro­gres­sed. Cont­act us. Our team of experts is at your side with advice, sup­port and excel­lent bak­ing skills.

Write us an eMail

You can reach us at these times

Monday to Friday

8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m



+49 2634 96690



Karl-Hack-Allee 1, 56581 Kurtscheid, Ger­ma­ny