We not only pro­du­ce a varie­ty of baked goods and deli­ca­ci­es from Ame­ri­can Bak­ery for the cate­ring indus­try, but also for retail and sup­p­ly pro­ducts to branch bake­ries.

Our pro­duct port­fo­lio in the Ame­ri­can Bak­ery sec­tor ran­ges from muf­fins, brow­nies, cheeseca­kes to stick and round cakes.

Qua­li­ty, indi­vi­dua­li­ty and the best ingre­di­ents have the hig­hest prio­ri­ty in pro­duc­tion. We strict­ly adhe­re to all food law gui­de­lines — our cer­ti­fi­ca­tes speak for them­sel­ves.


We bake our muf­fins, fluffy, light and with gre­at atten­ti­on to detail. Whe­ther clas­sic cho­co­la­ty, frui­ty-fresh or exo­ti­cal­ly spi­ced — with us you will find muf­fins for every tas­te.


Fud­gy, jui­cy, deli­cious­ly cho­co­la­ty. That’s how a good brow­nie should be — and that’s exact­ly how we bake it.


Even if we call them stick cakes, they are not off the shelf. We bake them in a varie­ty of varia­ti­ons and with a wide varie­ty of top­pings. But no mat­ter which reci­pe we use to bake our cakes for you – they are all light and fluffy and can be cut straight away if you wish.


Clas­sic, rustic or full of frui­ty. Our round cakes are available with dif­fe­rent bases, dif­fe­rent top­pings and a lar­ge sel­ec­tion of deco­ra­ti­ons; Available cut or uncut.