We are loo­king for you!

We are one family

We are hap­py you are inte­res­ted in Gebrü­der Hack Fein­back­wa­ren GmbH inte­res­ted as an employ­er. We are a medi­um-sized pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny that pro­du­ces fro­zen con­fec­tion­ery items. For us, our team and our soli­da­ri­ty are a cru­cial suc­cess fac­tor. This is why we crea­ted this page. We are app­ly­ing to you! On this page you will find all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on about us. Who we are, who we are loo­king for, what is important to us and what we offer you in return.

At the end, we even offer you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to come visit us with abso­lut­e­ly no obli­ga­ti­on so that we can get to know each other first. Whe­ther it’s a tri­al work or just a simp­le con­ver­sa­ti­on. It’s your choice.

We look for­ward to see­ing you.

Simon Gun­nemann
Mana­ging Direc­tor, at HACK sin­ce Janu­ary 1, 2015

HACK AG – important milestones

(Development into a fulfillment service provider)

1967: For capa­ci­ty reasons, ope­ra­ti­ons are being relo­ca­ted from Duis­burg to Kurtscheid
1980: Tho­mas and Peter Hack join the com­pa­ny. Foun­ding of HACK Gas­tro-Ser­vice
1990: New con­s­truc­tion of the cen­tral admi­nis­tra­ti­on and cen­tral warehouse in Kurtscheid
2000: Expan­si­on of cen­tral pro­duc­tion + start of wood-fired oven pro­ducts
2003: Start of coope­ra­ti­on with Lek­ker­land
2008: Joint ven­ture pro­ject BREAK TIME (deli2go)
2015: Start of our online busi­ness by taking over the com­pa­ny DERGUGL — Hap­pi­ness can also be small.
2020: Take­over and inte­gra­ti­on of Team Back GmbH into BACKUNION
2020: Take­over of the hygie­ne expert Cle­a­no­tec
2023: Joint ven­ture La Lor­raine Bak­ery Group

What we expect

Regard­less of whe­ther you are alre­a­dy a trai­ned baker/confectioner, would like to chan­ge your direc­tion or would like to sup­port us as a pro­duc­tion assistant, you will defi­ni­te­ly recei­ve a warm wel­co­me with us.
As a pro­duc­tion mana­ger, I hope that you, as an employee, sup­port our cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re and iden­ti­fy with our values. Having fun at work is very important to us; we don’t want to name pro­blems, but rather look for solu­ti­ons as quick­ly and high­ly moti­va­ted as pos­si­ble.
It is important to us that ever­yo­ne has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop fur­ther. It will help you if you have craft­sman­ship and tech­ni­cal skills, are open in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and in deal­ing with feed­back and like to work inde­pendent­ly.
May­be some of the points app­ly to you?
Then don’t hesi­ta­te, come visit us!

Chris­to­pher Borow­ski
Pro­duc­tion Mana­ger, at Hack sin­ce August 2, 2008

We need you

Are you loo­king for a job? We need you!
Our com­mit­ted and moti­va­ted team is the foun­da­ti­on of our suc­cess.

Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) Vertriebsinnendienst International

Employee (m/f/d) Internal Sales International

HACK AG, as a medi­um-sized fami­ly busi­ness and hol­ding com­pa­ny for various sub­si­dia­ries, has been pro­du­cing and sel­ling high-qua­li­ty con­fec­tion­ery and baked goods for over 90 years and is a well-known name in ups­ca­le gas­tro­no­my and spe­cia­list…

Projektmanager (m/w/d)

Project Manager (m/f/d)

HACK AG, as a medi­um-sized fami­ly busi­ness and hol­ding com­pa­ny for various sub­si­dia­ries, has been pro­du­cing and sel­ling high-qua­li­ty con­fec­tion­ery and baked goods for over 90 years and is a well-known name in ups­ca­le gas­tro­no­my and spe­cia­list…

Bakers or confectioners or employees as career changers (m/f/d)

HACK AG, as a medi­um-sized fami­ly busi­ness and hol­ding com­pa­ny for various sub­si­dia­ries, has been pro­du­cing and sel­ling high-qua­li­ty con­fec­tion­ery and baked goods for over 90 years and is a well-known name in ups­ca­le gas­tro­no­my and spe­cia­list…