
According to § 5 TMG

Gebr. HACK Fein­back­wa­ren GmbH
Karl-Hack-Allee 1
56581 Kurtscheid

Com­mer­cial regis­ter: HRB 14138
Regis­tra­ti­on court: Mon­ta­baur Dis­trict Court

Repre­sen­ted by:
Peter Hack, Tho­mas Hack, Simon Gun­nemann


Tele­pho­ne: +49 2634 9669–0
Fax: +49 2634 9669–27
Email: [email protected]

Tax ID

Sales tax iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber in accordance with Sec­tion 27 a of the Sales Tax Act:
DE 210134971

Editorially responsible

Dani­el Enns

EU dispute resolution

The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on pro­vi­des a plat­form for online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on (OS):
You can find our email address in the legal noti­ce abo­ve.

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not wil­ling or obli­ged to take part in dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on pro­cee­dings befo­re a con­su­mer arbi­tra­ti­on board.